The third segment is the tail, or telson, which looks like a big stinger but is used to help these animals flip if overturned and acts as a rudder as they move across the ocean floor. Horseshoe ...
In the past 500 million years on Earth, there have been five mass extinctions. Here are a few incredible species that managed ...
The article delved into ancient species like Dendrogramma, Coelacanth, and Emperor Scorpion, which have survived for hundreds ...
So, whenever scientists speak of the oldest living animal lineages, they are referring to marine animals such as the nautilus ...
Horseshoe crabs can usually be found from the ... the Aquarium & Conservatory Director and Marine Animal Specialist. “Not only does the staff get to learn new skills in rearing aquatic animals ...
The future of a bill to enhance protections for horseshoe crabs in New York waters is unclear, but advocacy around the issue ...
“The continued reliance on horseshoe crab blood by pharmaceutical manufacturers has led to a rapid decrease in the population of this important species,” said Kathleen Conlee, vice president for ...
Water monitor is a large lizard that swims well and hunts animals such as fish and crabs in the water and mud of mangrove ...
Over the decades, Gauvry has found a way to include local communities in protecting horseshoe crabs by setting up “backyard ...
The continued collection of horseshoe crabs is all the more troubling because an effective non-animal alternative test has been available since 2004 and approved for standard use in Europe since ...
photo by Timothy Fadek This is the fate of hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs each year in the United States at the hands of the biomedical industry. The animals’ blood—bright blue because it ...
“I applaud the commission for not authorizing female horseshoe crab bait harvests for another year, but these animals urgently need longer-term protections,” said Will Harlan, a senior scientist at ...