The Pope holds his audiences in a standing position, so that he is easily visible to all his flock. The Holy Father is continuing a long tradition with the new Popemobile from Mercedes-Benz.
Pope Francis has called for people to put away their mobile phones at the dinner table ... on the day of the Holy Family," he added. This is not the first time the Pope - who boasts more than ...
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will auction off at least one of the Fiat 500Ls from Pope Francis' US trip last ... of the vehicles used by the Holy Father in Philadelphia. The Archdiocese of ...
Pope Francis kicked off his second day in Singapore bright and early by greeting a crowd of about 100 well-wishers in Punggol ...
Papua New Guinea, a colony of nearby Australia until independence in 1975, is the second leg of Francis’s 11-day trip. In the ...
VATICAN CITY — Sea gulls soared over St. Peter’s Square as Laura Esquivel, clad in tight leather pants, aimed herself toward ...
Over 50,000 faithful from Singapore, but also China, Hong Kong and Vietnam, gathered to see the pope on Thursday.
The estimated crowd of 600,000 people Pope Francis' Mass in East Timor is nearly half of the small Southeast Asian country's ...
DILI, EAST TIMOR -- Pope Francis received a raucous welcome Monday as he arrived in East Timor to celebrate its recovery from a bloody and traumatic independence battle, even as he indirectly ...
Pope Francis celebrated a mass for hundreds of thousands of faithful in East Timor on Tuesday, rallying nearly half the ...
In a bulletin on Thursday, the Holy See confirmed that the Pope had decided to convene a consistory, a formal meeting of the College of Cardinals, to discuss the canonization of Acutis.
Pope John Paul II made his first trip to the United States as leader of the Roman Catholic Church. A passionate invitation written by one Iowa ...