Biomedicum Imaging Unit (BIU) is a core facility that provides services for your biomedical optical imaging needs ranging from designing the experiment to analysis of the results. We are also part of ...
When neutron stars collide, they likely create the densest form of matter in the present-day Universe. Through an innovative use of two theoretical methods, researchers have now gained a more detailed ...
Genetic diversity, a key pillar of biodiversity, is crucial for conservation. But can snapshot estimates of genetic diversity reliably indicate population extinction risk? New research shows that ...
NNDR2025 is inviting researches, policy makers, activists and practitioners to contribute to the conference in paper sessions and symposia. Contributions are expected to have a common ground within ...
International researchers from Finland, Germany, South Africa, and Ethiopia report that deforestation during the last two decades induced a higher warming and cloud level rise than that caused by ...
Kielentutkimusta tehdään erityisesti globaalissa pohjoisessa, vaikka kielellinen monimuotoisuus on suurinta muualla maailmassa. Kielitieteilijöiden tulisi pohtia tutkimuksensa eettisyyttä ja ...
As the project draws to a close, read what the TOTEMK partners see as the project's achievements and key takeaways. The TOTEMK project, a collaborative effort between the University of Helsinki, ...
How is Venezuela’s situation after the recent elections? What are the contextual roots of the shifting political alliances in Latin America, and what might be the consequences for the region? Join us ...
Helsingin yliopisto on uusinut Itämeri-sitoumuksensa. Vuosille 2024–2028 ulottuvassa sitoumuksessa korostuvat poikkitieteellinen tutkimus sekä luonnon monimuotoisuuden edistämiseen ja ...
Digital Natives? - Saami Games Now! Exhibition exhibition is running at Annakaisa Kultima’s Kumma Gallery, Kankurinkatu 5, Punavuori, Helsinki. The exhibition is curated by Outi Laiti, who is an ...
Helsingin yliopiston tutkijat onnistuivat siinä, mitä on yritetty jo 70-luvulta lähtien: selittämään mustien aukkojen synnyttämän röntgensäteilyn. Säteily syntyy magneettikenttien kaoottisten ...
Helsingin yliopiston tutkimuksessa joka toiselta yli 85-vuotiaalta löytyi dementiaa aiheuttavan, uudenlaisen aivorappeumasairauden tautimuutoksia aivoista. Uudentyyppinen aivorappeumasairaus, limbinen ...