Whoopi Goldberg opened up about friendships with the late actors Christopher Reeve and Robin Williams.
One man has died in hospital after he was shot in Alta Vista Thursday evening, according to the Ottawa Paramedic Service.A ...
臺北市立動物園9月21、22日歡慶昆蟲館建館20周年,特舉辦「昆蟲嘉年華」,現場將發放「雞母蟲」、「鍬形蟲」造型雞蛋糕,從身形到觸鬚完美復刻,模樣超逼真,數量有限,贈完為止。 昆蟲館20周年館慶將在本周末上午10時至下午4時舉行,地點位於昆蟲館前廣場 ...
Eastern Market After Dark returned to Detroit Thursday. Thousands experienced live music, drinks and retailers amid increased ...
(中央社記者林巧璉高雄20日電)澳洲流行音樂歌手凱莉米洛(Kylie Minogue)2025年3月15日高雄市開唱,高雄市長陳其邁表示,「樂壇女神」將降臨高雄,被譽為「不可錯過」的演出,勢必華麗精彩。
樂團 五月天 將在21日登上台北大巨蛋,並在中華職棒中信兄弟球星周思齊引退賽後進行表演,不過,先前傳出「禁止球迷攝影」,引發球迷爭論;對此, 阿信 也深夜回應:「做的不好當然盡量罵。」 ...
State Route 87 near milepost 212 is currently closed in both directions as of Thursday evening due to a fire. After a crash initially blocked the left late, a truck fire that turned into a brush fire ...
對於聯準會9月利率會議宣布降息2碼,鄧盛銘分析,目的是為了管理市場,因為市場短期內降息預期過於強烈,原本年初市場預計降5、6碼,後來變為4.5碼左右、最高為5碼,聯準會為了管理降息預期,所以進行平衡性操作;而降息2碼與就業市場下滑的關注性提升有關,聯 ...
蘋果iPhone 16系列新機20日在台開賣,中華電首度在北、中、高舉辦iPhone 16首賣會,董事長郭水義(前右)現場抽出3地各1名、贈送1支iPhone 16,台北蔡小姐(前左)幸運中獎。
A federal judge in Spokane sentenced a man to nearly six years in prison for attacking his partner with a knife last year and attempting to suffocate her. Marvin Butterfly, 40, claimed innocence ...