藝人 黃鐙輝 最近的新戲《無罪推定》討論度破表,各大社群掀起一陣搶救林明德的風潮,因為多次詮釋『更生人』角色,這次為了鼓勵收容人追夢,本週三(9/18)正式受到雲林第二監獄的邀約前往開講,與大家近距離分享屬於他的星路歷程,侃侃而談這一路從從「諧星」、 ...
黎巴嫩17日發生真主黨使用的呼叫器(BB Call)集體爆炸事件,設備傳出是由台灣的金阿波羅公司製造,董事長許清光第一時間否認是生產製造,強調和匈牙利代理商BAC僅是「貼牌授權關係」,目前全案進入司法調查。對此,經濟部長 郭智輝 今(20)日現身直言 ...
此次凱莉米洛「Tension Tour 2025」巡迴演唱會,除了故鄉澳洲及終點英國外,亞洲共排了4場演唱會,分別為明年3月10日泰國曼谷站、3月12日日本東京、3月15日台灣高雄、3月17日菲律賓馬尼拉舉行,而歌迷也驚喜發現「全亞洲只有高雄是週六場 ...
Eastern Market After Dark returned to Detroit Thursday. Thousands experienced live music, drinks and retailers amid increased ...
State Route 87 near milepost 212 is currently closed in both directions as of Thursday evening due to a fire. After a crash initially blocked the left late, a truck fire that turned into a brush fire ...
A federal judge in Spokane sentenced a man to nearly six years in prison for attacking his partner with a knife last year and attempting to suffocate her. Marvin Butterfly, 40, claimed innocence ...
Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting that left a man dead in Winton Hills Thursday evening. Officers were called ...
Donald Trump called Sen. Chuck Schumer, the nation’s highest ranking Jewish official, a “Palestinian” on Thursday in a speech ...
As the Town of Washington submitted a petition earlier this week County could get a new village down the road. The town began collecting signatures on Sept. 6 for a petition to incorporate part of ...
Gov. Tony Evers said Wisconsin is now 43rd in the nation in funding higher education, and he’s dissatisfied with those numbers. “Being 43rd in the nation is, frankly, an embarrassment and something we ...
The white powder that caused the Herschler Building to be evacuated Monday has undergone testing and is not a threat to public health or safety, according to Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray. The ...
A man police say reached speeds of between 80-100 mph while trying to avoid a traffic stop faces multiple charges. Kristopher Falin, 31, is charged with first degree reckless endangerment, use of a ...