The German Axel Springer Group is planning to split up its businesses. The media division is to become a family-run company ...
The National Council wants to offset the four billion franc increase in military spending with a lower cantonal share of ...
Switzerland's population reached the nine million mark at the end of June. This was announced by the Federal Statistical ...
In the sprint of the 2nd stage over 155 km from Junglinster to Schifflange, the 25-year-old from Vaud from the Swiss Team Tudor finished in 3rd place. In the sprint, Froidevaux was only beaten by the ...
Die ukrainischen Streitkräfte haben die Schlagkraft der russischen Armee im Gebiet Donezk nach Angaben von Präsident ...
In der Nacht auf Freitag hat ein Mann in Rotterdam Menschen mit einem Messer angegriffen. Eine Person ist gestorben, eine ...
Il colosso della logistica Kühne+Nagel ha inaugurato a Mantova, in Italia, il più grande centro da lui mai creato: uno ...
Un brano musicale finora sconosciuto composto da Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart quando era probabilmente adolescente è stato ...
blue News et Keystone-ATS vous donnent un premier aperçu de l'actualité, avec les primeurs dénichées dans la presse. Sans ...
Der Sportartikel-Riese Nike wird einen neuen Chef bekommen. Firmen-Veteran Elliott Hill kehrt aus dem Ruhestand zu Nike ...
Altra notte di emergenza, disagi e paura in Emilia Romagna: l'acqua ha continuato ad invadere case, strade e campagne anche ...
Un uomo armato di coltello ha pugnalato a morte una persona e ne ha ferito gravemente un'altra a Rotterdam, in Olanda. Lo ...