Please join Meghan O’Sullivan, Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, for Belfer Community ...
The Ash Center invites you to join us to celebrate National Voter Registration Day. Faculty, staff, and students will be available to help voters register, update registration, and sign up for ...
In this talk, Greg Power will share his experience working in the weeds of politics in more than sixty countries, helping ...
In this talk, Lant Pritchett will address the question “how did we go from the end of history in 1989 to where we are today?” ...
A recent study from Harvard University’s Opportunity Insights analyzes changes in economic opportunity using new data on 57 ...
In this divisive election year, is it possible to mobilize people across differences around a common cause? How can people with competing perspectives and interests join into a shared movement that ...
As we celebrate the Carr Center's 25th anniversary, the state of world affairs has made our work in human rights research and training more important than ever. Conflicts around the world, including ...
The online ‘infosphere’ remains a poorly managed social environment. On the one hand it brings tremendous benefits to many ...
The Public Leadership Credential offers courses in three curricular areas — Evidence for Decisions, Leadership and Ethics, and Policy Design and Delivery. For each curricular area, there is an A ...
April 2021, Paper: "We provide evidence of the stock market wealth effect on consumption by using a local labor market analysis and regional heterogeneity in stock market wealth. An increase in local ...
July 2020, Paper, "There is compelling evidence that globalization shocks, often working through culture and identity, have played an important role in driving up support for populist movements, ...