Climate and agricultural data have never been more important in terms of helping people to anticipate climate hazards and to ...
Le dérèglement climatique expose fortement les forêts aux sécheresses et canicules, ce qui conduit à un affaiblissement des ...
Why not get off the beaten track in order to overcome environmental and food crises better? This is what this collective work ...
CIRAD received a delegation from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The delegation's two-day visit confirmed that the UN institution and CIRAD had a number of shared interests ...
CIRAD launched the first platforms in partnership for research and training. There are now 20. Among others, these ...
In a book to be published by éditions Quae on 3 October, Michel Barel and Christophe Montagnon take us on a trip across time ...
Le 8ème Congrès mondial "Une seule santé" se tiendra du 20 au 23 septembre 2024 au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. Avec la participation du Cirad. A l'occasion des 40 ans du Cirad, la direction Régionale du ...
The congress will allow discussions of the main challenges surrounding the One Health initiative, as well as sharing of research data and policy developments. It will bring together One Health ...
Fin juin, le Cirad accueillait une délégation du Fonds international pour le développement agricole (Fida). Cette mission de ...
Le Cirad fête en 2024 ses 40 ans d'innovation, d’impact et de partenariat sur la recherche agronomique pour le développement. Pour cette occasion, la direction Régionale du Cirad au Brésil organise ...